Tuesday, July 16, 2013

don't judge me.

when i run in the morning, there are always a lot of people out and about, sometimes headed to work, sometimes headed home (no, i won't judge you for your glitter dress and high heels...), sometimes on a run themselves. i've noticed some "real runners" with their oakley sunglasses on and high tech gear, give me some looks that made me a little sad. no, i'm not going to run a marathon tomorrow. no, i haven't run my whole life. no, i'm not in as good of shape as you are. 

but i don't think that i, or any novice runner (see, i consider myself a runner now ;)), should be judged for starting out. everyone starts somewhere, and for me, i start as a petite 21 year old who runs for 90 seconds at a time. it's not about how far you go or how fast or for how long, it's the fact that you are going. i wish there was more support from the "real runners". a simple nod, smile, rather than the up-down look (are we in middle school here?). 

but i'm going to stick to my goals. and that's just to get up on the mornings i say i'm going to and get up and moving. maybe i'm not the fastest and i don't have the best endurance, but i'm not sitting at home sleeping in anymore. i'm up and going somewhere. 

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